Please join us on Sabbath (Saturday), June 12, 2021 for our Homecoming event at Tappahannock SDA Church.
- Friday 06-11-2021
- 6:00 pm - Light meal
- 7:00 pm - Vespers
- Sabbath (Saturday) 06-12-2021
- 10:00 am - Sabbath School with Pastor Rick Dahlberg
- 11:00 am - Divine Worship with Grant Wolters
- 12:30 pm - Lunch
- 2:30 pm - Afternoon Program with Jose Rojas
Meals will be provided (Gluten free and Dairy free items available):
- Friday evening 6:00 pm:
- Veggie hot dogs
- Potato salad
- Chips
- Drink
- Breakfast - Continental 9:00 am
- Mini muffins
- Yogurt
- Fruit
- Granola bars
- Juice
- Lunch 12:30
- Taco Salad (Hay Stacks)
- Dessert
- Snack Bag to take home
- Watermelon
- Skinny pop popcorn
- Crackers - peanut butter and cheese
- Granola bars
- Drink
RSVP to: (include name, number attending and meals needed)
- Email:
- Email:
- Call or Text: 804-445-3503
- Text Only: 804-832-8004 (please no phone calls only texts)
Please complete our Homecoming Survey
Return via email: or mail to: PO Box 1106, Tappahannock, VA 22560